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Version: v2.5.0

Scheduler Policy


Current in a cluster with many GPU nodes, nodes are not binpack or spread when making scheduling decisions, nor are GPU cards binpack or spread when using vGPU.


We add a node-scheduler-policy and gpu-scheduler-policy to config, then scheduler to use this policy can impl node binpack or spread or GPU binpack or spread. and use can set Pod annotation to change this default policy, use and to overlay scheduler config.

User Stories

This is a GPU cluster, having two node, the following story takes this cluster as a prerequisite.


Story 1

node binpack, use one node’s GPU card whenever possible, egs:

  • cluster resources:

    • node1: GPU having 4 GPU device
    • node2: GPU having 4 GPU device
  • request:

    • pod1: User 1 GPU
    • pod2: User 1 GPU
  • scheduler result:

    • pod1: scheduler to node1
    • pod2: scheduler to node1

Story 2

node spread, use GPU cards from different nodes as much as possible, egs:

  • cluster resources:

    • node1: GPU having 4 GPU device
    • node2: GPU having 4 GPU device
  • request:

    • pod1: User 1 GPU
    • pod2: User 1 GPU
  • scheduler result:

    • pod1: scheduler to node1
    • pod2: scheduler to node2

Story 3

GPU binpack, use the same GPU card as much as possible, egs:

  • cluster resources:

    • node1: GPU having 4 GPU device, they are GPU1,GPU2,GPU3,GPU4
  • request:

    • pod1: User 1 GPU, gpucore is 20%, gpumem-percentage is 20%
    • pod2: User 1 GPU, gpucore is 20%, gpumem-percentage is 20%
  • scheduler result:

    • pod1: scheduler to node1, select GPU1 this device
    • pod2: scheduler to node1, select GPU1 this device

Story 4

GPU spread, use different GPU cards when possible, egs:

  • cluster resources:

    • node1: GPU having 4 GPU device, they are GPU1,GPU2,GPU3,GPU4
  • request:

    • pod1: User 1 GPU, gpucore is 20%, gpumem-percentage is 20%
    • pod2: User 1 GPU, gpucore is 20%, gpumem-percentage is 20%
  • scheduler result:

    • pod1: scheduler to node1, select GPU1 this device
    • pod2: scheduler to node1, select GPU2 this device

Design Details




Binpack mainly considers node resource usage. The more full the usage, the higher the score.

score: ((request + used) / allocatable) * 10 
  1. Binpack scoring information for Node 1 is as follows
Node1 score: ((1+3)/4) * 10= 10
  1. Binpack scoring information for Node 2 is as follows
Node2 score: ((1+2)/4) * 10= 7.5

So, in Binpack policy we can select Node1.


Spread mainly considers node resource usage. The less it is used, the higher the score.

score: ((request + used) / allocatable) * 10 
  1. Spread scoring information for Node 1 is as follows
Node1 score: ((1+3)/4) * 10= 10
  1. Spread scoring information for Node 2 is as follows
Node2 score: ((1+2)/4) * 10= 7.5

So, in Spread policy we can select Node2.




Binpack mainly focuses on the computing power and video memory usage of each card. The more it is used, the higher the score.

score: ((request.core + used.core) / allocatable.core + (request.mem + used.mem) / allocatable.mem)) * 10
  1. Binpack scoring information for GPU 1 is as follows
GPU1 Score: ((20+10)/100 + (1000+2000)/8000)) * 10 = 6.75
  1. Binpack scoring information for GPU 2 is as follows
GPU2 Score: ((20+70)/100 + (1000+6000)/8000)) * 10 = 17.75

So, in Binpack policy we can select GPU2.


Spread mainly focuses on the computing power and video memory usage of each card. The less it is used, the higher the score.

score: ((request.core + used.core) / allocatable.core + (request.mem + used.mem) / allocatable.mem)) * 10
  1. Spread scoring information for GPU 1 is as follows
GPU1 Score: ((20+10)/100 + (1000+2000)/8000)) * 10 = 6.75
  1. Spread scoring information for GPU 2 is as follows
GPU2 Score: ((20+70)/100 + (1000+6000)/8000)) * 10 = 17.75

So, in Spread policy we can select GPU1.